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UNIX02/User Accounts And Groups

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(These sections correspond to chapter 6 in the book)

User Accounts

There are three main types of user accounts under Unix:
  • The superuser account (root)
  • Regular Users accounts
  • Non-Regular Users accounts (services, programs, etc.)

Every process on the machine is owned by some user. As your system boots, it starts the init process (which we covered in UNIX01) as the root user. Take a look at the second line of output from ps aux:

 sam@rygel:~$ ps aux
 root   1  0.2  0.0    76   76 ?    S    15:00   0:06 init [5]  

Likewise, every user process will be owned by the user which called it (remember that anything setuid will run with the user it's set to). For example, here is my secure shell connection to my work machine:

 sam  847  0.0  0.3  2496 1400 pts/1  S  15:01 0:00 ssh hart@einstein

Finally, there are many different servers and daemons which will be running as some user (here, a non-regular user). For example, here is a mail-scanner running on my home computer:

 amavis  316  0.0  7.5 30968 28944 ?  S  15:00 0:00 amavisd (master)


The /etc/passwd file is the central repository for the users recognized by your system. The system consults this file at login to determine a user's UID and to verify the user's password. The system also consults the file when a daemon is spawned which runs under a specific UID.

/etc/passwd can be editted by hand, or using one of the various administrative utilities we will discuss today.

The lines in the file are divided up by seven fields separated by colons:


This is the UNIX username for the user. These must be unique and can be up to 32 characters long under Linux. Some other UNIXes restrict this to only 8 characters. Login names are case-sensitive, and can have any character except colons, commas or newlines.
This is the encrypted password (more on this later).
This is the user id for ths user. Under Linux, these are 32-bit integers (0 through 4,294,967,296). By definition, root has a UID of 0. Additionally, you will find small-number UIDs for pseudo-users like bin, daemon or httpd. To allow plenty of room for any non-human users, on many UNIX and Linux systems real-user UIDs begin at 100 (or higher).
This is the default group ID number. Again, this is a 32-bit number. More on groups in a bit.
This is commonly used to store personal information about each user on the system. It has no well-defined syntax, but usually consists of a few sub-fields separated by commas.
If you recall from UNIX01 we talked about an OS called GECOS (the General Electric Comphrehensive Operating System). This is actually where the GECOS field came from, it originally was used for batch job transfers from UNIX systems to mainframe GECOS systems.
This is the user's home directory. Often, if the user is a pseudo-user, this home directory will be garbage or lead someplace safe.
This is the user's default login shell. Under Linux, this typically defaults to BASH. If the user is a psuedo-user, to protect the system this will usually be set to something like /dev/null or /bin/false.

Encrypted Passwords and Shadow Files


Linux, like most other modern operating systems, allow system administrators to organize their users based on groups. Users can be assigned to any number of groups, but many Linux systems employ a technique called User Private Group to increase security. A User Private Group is a group which only has one specific user as its member.

As a system administrator, you will have to decide if a User Private Group is something you want to support and impliment. A User Private Group can be ideal for a system which has a small number of users, but for larger systems with a large number of users maintaining individual private groups for each user can prove unwieldy.

User & Group files

Additionally, files to populate a new user's home directory can be found and should be placed in /etc/skel. Files to be placed in here are login scripts, initial shell settings, and anything else you would want a user to just have when they first log in.

Creating New User Accounts

The Linux kernel itself treats users are mere numbers. Each user is identified by a unique integer, the user id or uid, because numbers are faster and easier for a computer to process than textual names.

To create a user, you need to add information about the user to the /etc/passwd, and create a home directory for him. While you can enter new user information by editted the /etc/passwd file, it can be easy to make mistakes that might have devastating results to one or more users on your system. Because of this, the usual preferred method for adding new users is to use one of the several programs for adding new users.

Two command line programs to add new users are adduser and useradd. One some UNIX systems, these programs have slightly different usages. However they always perform the same basic tasks:

  • Creation of new user information in /etc/passwd
  • Optional creation of new group, defaulting to the User Private Group
  • Creation of user's home directory
  • Population of user's home directory from /etc/skel

Under Red Hat Linux, they both accept the same parameters, so we will just focus on one of them.


useradd's basic usage is as follows:
       useradd [-c comment] [-d home_dir]
               [-e expire_date] [-f inactive_time]
               [-g initial_group] [-G group[,...]]
               [-m [-k skeleton_dir] | -M] [-p passwd]
               [-s shell] [-u uid [ -o]] [-n] [-r] login

       useradd -D [-g default_group] [-b default_home]
               [-f default_inactive] [-e default_expire_date]
               [-s default_shell]

Adding a new user using useradd can be as simple as:

 # useradd mike

looking at /etc/passwd once we have issued such a command we find this new entry:


as we can see, mike was added with a UID of 502 and a GID of 503 on our system. The GID is for a User Pirvate Group called 'mike', which is exclusive to mike. mike's home directory was set to '/home/mike' and his login shell to '/bin/bash'. These are all reasonable defaults, and as a system administrator, you will often be satisfied with them.

However, you may also want more control over these values. For example, you might want the 'mike' user to have a different home directory (say '/home/u_mike', be part of the 'users' group (typically GID 100) and have the Z shell as his initial shell. In that case, you would issue the following command:

 # useradd -d /home/u_mike -s /bin/zsh -g users mike

which yeilds the following entry in /etc/passwd



To delete a user from your system, you can use the userdel command. userdel has the following usage:
 userdel [-r] login

'login' is the user's name. 'userdel mike' will delete the user we added above (it will also delete the User Private Group, if created). The '-r' paramter will also erase the user's home directory and all files in it along with the user's mail spool file.

Creating new groups

Like with users, the Linux kernel treats groups as numbers, using the /etc/group file as a database for conversion between group ID (GID) and group name. GIDs between 0 and 499 are generally reserved for system accounts.

Unlike useradd and adduser, there is typically only groupadd as the command for adding new groups. groupadd has the following usage:

 groupadd [-g gid [-o]] [-r] [-f] group

To add a new group called 'research', we could issue the following command:

 # groupadd research

which may create the following entry in /etc/group


If we wanted our group to have a very specific GID, say 1000, then we would type the following:

 # groupadd -g 1000 research


groupdel deletes groups from your computer. It's usage is very simple:
 groupdel group

Modifying User Accounts and Groups

usermod is a command that modifies the system account files to reflect changes that are specified. It's usage is this:
       usermod [-c comment] [-d home_dir [ -m]]
               [-e expire_date] [-f inactive_time]
               [-g initial_group] [-G group[,...]]
               [-l login_name] [-p passwd]
               [-s shell] [-u uid [ -o]] [-L|-U] login

Much of these options are the same as those for useradd. Let's say that we wanted to specify 'mike's comment to reflect his full name (Mike Stanza) and we wanted to modify his user name to reflect a change in company policy stating that all users must use their last name for computer accounts. The command like we would use would be:

 # usermod -l stanza -c "Mike Stanza" mike

which would modify the /etc/passwd file thusly:

 stanza:x:502:100:Mike Stanza:/home/mike:/bin/bash

One caveat, when using the -G option if the user is currently a member of a group which is not listed, the user will be removed from the group

groupmod allows you to modify a groups properties as well. It's usage is as follows:

       groupmod [-g gid [-o]] [-n group_name ] group

If we wanted to modify the group 'research' from above to reflect a change in company policy regarding terminolgy, whereby the researchers are now to be called "Stars", we could issue the following command:

 # groupmod -n stars research

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Edited August 22, 2003 11:12 pm (diff)
(C) Copyright 2003 Samuel Hart
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