These classnotes are depreciated. As of 2005, I no longer teach the classes. Notes will remain online for legacy purposes

UNIX03/Kinds Of FTP Accounts

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There are three kinds of FTP logins that wu-ftpd provides:
  1. anonymous FTP
  2. real FTP
  3. guest FTP
Anonymous FTP is well known; one logs in with the username 'anonymous' and an email type password.

Real FTP is when someone logs in with a real username and password and has access to the entire disk structure. This form of access can be extremely dangerous to system security and should be avoided unless absolutely necessary and well controlled.

Guest FTP is a form of real FTP; one logs in with a real user name and password, but the user is chroot'ed to his home directory and cannot escape from it. This is much safer, and it is a useful way for remote clients to maintain their Web accounts.

This howto will describe in detail the steps necessary to set up a guest FTP account. It does not describe anonymous or real FTP setup, though the procedures for setting up an operational 'ls' command will apply equally to anonymous FTP because of the chroot'ed nature of anonymous FTP.

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Last edited June 14, 2003 3:05 am (diff)
(C) Copyright 2003 Samuel Hart
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